FULL ALBUM RELEASE DATE: January 13th, 2023

Dear Friend is The Bombadils’ first full-length album release after having moved to Atlantic Canada and launching straight into the rush of new parenthood, a new city, and a global pandemic. The 11-song album was recorded with engineer Graeme Campbell between lockdowns and daycare pick-ups. It is a series of love letters of a certain kind—to family and friends, to strangers and neighbors, to cities and landscapes, to each other. 

Scroll down to find: downloads, track-by-track info, short and long bios, and videos

Photo by Sydney MacLennan

Photo by Sydney MacLennan

Photo by Kaitlyn Raitz

Dear Friend - Album Downloads

Track Info, Credits, & LYrics

Artwork by Bee Stanton and Linda (artist alias omits surname)
